Support us

Become a Friend or Patron of The Orwell Foundation and join a growing community of supporters dedicated to promoting and furthering Orwell’s legacy – or use the button below to make a one-time donation to support our work.

Become a Friend

With the launch of our new Friends scheme, it has never been easier to support our work and keep up-to-date with our activities. Friends receive:

  • Priority booking for selected events
  • Two complimentary tickets to Foundation events each year
  • Regular supporter’s updates
  • A copy of our annual anthology of prize-winning writing

Though the Foundation is based in the UK, George Orwell’s legacy is global. Friends based in the UK can join for £60/year, or £42/year for concessions (monthly payment options are also available). The rate for international friends is $60/year, or $42 for concessions.

Become a Patron

For supporters wishing to make a significant annual contribution, our Patrons scheme offers additional exciting opportunities to take part in promoting George Orwell’s legacy.

Patrons of The Orwell Foundation also have access to exciting opportunities to take part in strengthening George Orwell’s influence and impact, including exclusive Patrons events.

Find out more about our Patrons scheme

How else can I get involved?

The Orwell Foundation is committed to promoting and furthering George Orwell’s legacy through our diverse range of programmes and initiatives. While becoming a Friend or Patron provides valuable support, there are other ways you can contribute to our work:

Become a volunteer reader

The work of our volunteers is what makes The Orwell Youth Prize unique. More than just a prize, we offer support to all young people who put pen to paper (or fingers to keypads) through the delivery of personalised feedback and a fair judging process.

Make a one-off donation

Make a one-time donation to support the Foundation’s ongoing work. Your contribution, no matter the size, will help us continue championing Orwell’s values.

Become a partner or sponsor

None of what we do would be possible without the generous support of our partners and sponsors, from our essential core funders to project funders and prize sponsors. To find out more about opportunities to work together or arrange an initial conversation please get in touch with our Deputy Director Liz Wallace at